Thanks to Ed Moore!Thanks to Ed Moore!
CFB would like to thank Ed Moore and his team for their help painting our new building! We appreciate your time and efforts!
CFB would like to thank Ed Moore and his team for their help painting our new building! We appreciate your time and efforts!
WOW!! The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation recently donated $8,857 to CFB. These funds will help feed the people of Hopkins County! We are so thankful for the generosity of individuals, business,
Are you looking for an easy way to support CFB? Use Amazon Smile! #StartWithaSmile at and Amazon donates to Christian Food Bank Of Hopkins County. Use this link when shopping
Our Building Renovation is progressing nicely! Insulation is sprayed on the ceiling; the ceiling is painted, we have new windows; the heat pump is installed; the building has a first
Groceries for Good was a wonderful success! A total of 5,366 pounds of food was collected from four grocery stores on Saturday. THANK YOU, Hopkins County! This food will make
GROCERIES FOR GOOD SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 10:00am-2:00pm Participating Stores: Kroger, Wal-Mart, Sureway, Market Place On Saturday, these stores will be participating in Groceries for Good. While
WOW!! Today, Independence Bank donated $10,000 to the CFB Building Renovation Fund! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Due to the generosity of Independence Bank and others, we are able
THANK YOU, Dale Hawkins and JMMS Boys Basketball Team! Both made contributions CFB this week. Mr. Hawkins recognized a need in our community and donated financially to both Breaking Bread